Welcome to SIndHI

Please come in and leave some insight on what you would like to see happen for a Seniors facility here in our beautiful town.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2, 2010

I have started the Bible Reading Challenge through MomsToolBox to read the Bible through in 90 days it is called the B90 Challenge. I pray that this is one challenge I am able to complete.

As for the Seniors Home Project. It is moving along slowly. As we await communication from our sponsor over the Christmas holiday, I have been researching various locations which may be available in the area, looking at water and sewer lines, and talking to people who have worked at getting one of these homes up and going. My plan for 2011 is to continue to research locations, get the information gathered compiled into a report to pass on to our sponsor and approach the public with the possibility of getting this project up and running.

So what do you all have to say out there, do you have any opinions as to where a good location for a Seniors Apartment Complex should be built in Shelburne? What sort of services would you be willing to pay for in one of these facilities?