Welcome to SIndHI

Please come in and leave some insight on what you would like to see happen for a Seniors facility here in our beautiful town.

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7, 2010 - Coffee Meetings

     Meetings are fun, don't you find?  You never know what you are getting into until you get there.  I must admit.  Although I love talking to people, and I am a BIG talker, I am always afraid of saying the wrong thing or making myself look like I don't know I am talking about.  Even if I am fairly sure I do.  Yesterday I had two meetings.  The first is one that I have had several times. it was with my mentors at Tim Hortons.  I LOVE coffee meetings, if for no other reason, coffee is involved.  LOL  Ask anyone, I am addicted to coffee.  Anyway, we went over many things pertaining to the project and discussed my progress thus far and I was encouraged to discover that they are VERY pleased with my accomplishments and my work-to-date.  As many of you must realize, getting anything accomplished over the Christmas holidays is a feat in itself.  However, this is now behind us, and we are moving forward.  Over this period I managed to meet with the Town Hall and we mapped out the town streets and found the town water and sewer lines, and found a few properties which are for sale and I now have a humongous map of the town which I can look at and plot out various properties and see what is for sale in the area and where they are exactly.  This is a huge help (I am in fact a visual person).  I may have mentioned some of this in my previous blog but after reading it, I sounded very boring so I decided to make this a bit more interesting.
     My second meeting was with the Senior Services coordinator.  I can't mention her name at this time for privacy reasons (I will ask her later).  We met to discuss my project and how the Seniors Complex would benefit her clients and affect her job.  We had a wonderful talk.  The seniors in this community require so many services, and the service community right now are doing their very best.  However they are stretched.  They can use much more help from the community and from this project.  If anyone would like to volunteer to visit a senior, I am sure they would love to hear from you.  Give Senior Services a call.
     There are so many aspects to which this complex would benefit Shelburne and the surrounding area.  Imagine for a moment, your parents living in a community outside the town limits taking care of a property.  Even if it is a small property, the upkeep of this property requires time and energy.  There is lawn care in the summer, snow removal in the winter, ice, windstorms, leaves and branches to take care of, worry about security, upkeep of the house itself, roof, gutters, windows, doors, plumbing, changing light bulbs, climbing stairs, falls, getting in and out of tubs or showers, what happens if they do fall and there is no one there?  And then there is the loneliness; you can only watch so much Canadian Idol...
     With a complex as we are proposing so much of this would be eliminated...they would live in a cozy one or two bedroom apartment with a senior friendly bath or shower unit with emergency bells included in case there was a problem, and these bells are also in the bedroom and living areas as well.  There is a maintenance person on site, so they can call to have light bulbs changed and high objects taken down off of shelves, boxes taken up from storage units and heavy parcels brought in from cars.  No more lawn care, worry about ice or snow removal, there is 24/7 security.  Close neighbours to have card parties with or tea so loneliness can be avoided and you no longer have to worry about them being alone for days on end.  This does not mean that they are in an "Old Folks Home" either.  These apartments are all separate.  Seniors apartments have double thick walls, and double wide hallways so that privacy is guaranteed.  No one has to know their business.  If they want to be alone, they have that option as well, however, with all the activities, workshops, exercise room, movie nights and parties, they would be hard-pressed to want to.
     We are also hoping to add another level to this facility, an Enhanced Living Unit, where you pay a little bit more and you have two meals a day included with your room.  Since you wouldn't be needing a full kitchen with this service, you would have a refrigerator, and microwave in your unit instead of a full kitchen, however the rest of the apartment would be the same as the regular units.   Large spacious rooms with cable TV, Internet connections, emergency bell systems, storage room/laundry room, large windows, bright and cheery, wheelchair accessible.   Just think, no messy oven to clean, someone else to cook for you, that is MY idea of a  good time.    This would be a great time to give me some feed back...let me know how you all feel.  :-)